Division of Infectious Diseases

Vanderbilt Infectious Diseases Society

The Vanderbilt Infectious Diseases Society (VIDS) was created in 2014 to create an avenue for members to get connected. The primary objectives of VIDS is to support ongoing education in infectious diseases and to provide a strong network of members all over the world. We host gatherings at our major ID meetings and develop CME-based educational symposia at Vanderbilt.

Membership is free and open to anyone who has been an ID faculty or trainee at Vanderbilt. Membership is also available, upon review, to individuals who have developed a career in ID, but were affiliated with Vanderbilt University in some capacity other than completing a fellowship or serving as a faculty member. For example, former Vanderbilt University undergraduate, graduate or medical students who developed careers in ID clinical care or research are eligible for membership.

Please contact us for more details and/or to become a member today!​​​​​​​