Ashley was born and raised in Austin, Texas where she spent all of middle school and high school playing volleyball and making lifelong friends. Her first career interest was to become an astronaut, but a trip to Six Flags taught her that she was very prone to motion sickness, so she turned her attention towards biology instead. In undergrad at UT Austin, she worked as a Pharmacy Technician, researched cholera, and continued playing sand volleyball. When she became a "patient" with a long-term illness, she learned the irreplaceable value of diagnostic prowess and the power of 1-on-1 patient care. While at UT Southwestern for medical school, she helped in creating a large community health fair, conducted research on barriers to health literacy among young adults with SLE, and enjoyed delivering hot meals to homes without reliable transportation. Ashley's hobbies include overplaying Spotify playlists, attending friends' birthday parties, kickboxing, finding new food locales, and keeping up with long-distance friends.
MD - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, 2023
777 Preston Research Building
2220 Pierce Ave
Nashville, TN 37232-6307