Department of Medicine

Professional Development

The Department of Medicine Professional Development Program serves as the premier model of a dynamic, responsive and compassionate program for professional development within the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine. Professional development is impactful and transformative.

Professional Development Initiatives

The Department of Medicine hosts five of the Medical Center's eight faculty career development (K12) awards.

Building Interdisciplinary Research Careers in Women's Health (BIRCWH): The BIRCWH supports research career development of junior faculty members who have recently completed clinical training, additional research training, or postdoctoral fellowships and who are commencing basic research, translational research, clinical research, or population-based or health services research relevant to women’s health and/or gender biology.
PIs: Drs. Katherine Hartmann, Amy Major and Digna Velez-Edwards 

Learning Health System Scholar Program at Vanderbilt (LHSS): The LHSS program will provide scholars with opportunities to develop, conduct, implement, and disseminate real-world research focused on five core areas - patient-centered outcomes research/pragmatic trials; implementation and dissemination science; health policy/community health; stakeholder engagement; and methods advancement.
PIs: Drs. Christianne Roumie and Russell Rothman

Vanderbilt Clinical Oncology Research Career Development Award (VCORCDP): The VCORCDP is a two- to three-year training program for senior fellows and junior faculty interested in pursuing careers in clinical oncology research.
PIs: Drs. Kimryn Rathmelland Debra Friedman 

Vanderbilt SCHolars in HIV and Heart, Lung, Blood, and Sleep ReSearch (V-SCHoLARS, K12): The V-SCHoLARS program provides two years of protected research time and resources for junior faculty to develop expertise in both the HIV and heart, lung, blood and sleep disorders fields.
PIs: Drs. Matthew Freiberg and John Koethe

Vanderbilt Scholars in T4 Translational Research (V-STTaR) Program: V-STTaR provides up to three years of mentored research training that is designed is to train faculty scholars in implementation research for heart, lung, blood and sleep disorders.   
PIs: Drs. Sunil Kripalani and Christianne Roumie

The Department of Medicine has partnered with local and national institutions to create speaking opportunities so that faculty may garner regional and national reputations in their areas of interest.

The Department of Medicine pairs junior faculty with a senior faculty mentor to help them navigate difficult situations, gain sponsorship and to identify pathways for career growth.

As academic medicine continues to evolve, so too have the expectations and demands on faculty’s time and talent. The Department of Medicine is committed to helping all faculty, regardless of track or division, fulfill their academic potential by creating a more systematic, organized and robust mentorship program. Mentorship remains critical to the success of our faculty, and is a fundamental component of faculty development.

The mission of the Mentorship Council is: ​​​​​​

  • To oversee the mentoring process and programs for all faculty, including advanced practice providers, within the Department of Medicine
  • To review and develop policies and procedures for mentorship within the department
  • To meet and collaborate with representatives from the professional development societies that represent the various tracks within the department
  • To identify barriers and challenges to faculty mentorship, and to develop, propose and monitor programs designed to address these obstacles
  • To provide routine progress reports to the department and division chairs
  • To work with the Committee on Appointments and Promotions (COAP) to improve the advancement process

Recognizing that professional development and leadership development may require new skill sets, the Department of Medicine offers a competitive application process for faculty who seek professional coaching surrounding their mission-centric work.

Vanderbilt University Medical Center and the Department of Medicine are committed to the health, wellness and comfort of its faculty and staff.

The following resources are intended to assist all VUMC employees in achieving a healthy work/life balance, managing or neutralizing life's stressors, and mitigating burnout.

Recognizing feedback as an integral part of career growth and development, the Department of Medicine has created a process that that not only reviews candidates for promotion, but also evaluates every reappointment to identify those individuals who are ready for the next step in rank.

Vice Chair
Professor of Medicine, Division of Hematology and Oncology
Department of Medicine

Jill Gilbert, MD, completed her medical degree and residency at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, where she served as chief resident. She subsequently did a fellowship in hematology and oncology at Johns Hopkins University prior to joining Vanderbilt University Medical Center in 2006. She has since held several institutional and national leadership roles and, in 2021, was appointed a Vice Chair in the Dpartment of Medicine. In this role, she supports the professional development of a broad group of faculty through programming, mentorship and empowerment.