The Miller Society focuses on the professional development of the department’s anchors of patient care, the physicians and advanced practice providers on the clinical practice track.

About the Miller Society
The Miller Society is named after Robert Miller, MD, Professor of Clinical Medicine and Patricia and Rodes Hart Chair in Medicine, who exemplifies aspirational patient-centered care.
Established in 2021, this important cohort of individuals forms a base of clinical excellence whose reach extends throughout the Vanderbilt campus, as well as through Tennessee-based community practice sites
Our Vision
The Miller Society aims to meet the unique set of professional development needs of our physicians and APPs on the Clinical Practice (CP) Track.
The Society helps members :
- Provide patient care that is recognized regionally and nationally as consistently excellent
- Explore and develop niche interests amidst busy clinical schedules
- Initiate and lead a quality improvement initiatives
- Direct a clinical program
- Navigate the business of medicine
- Become involved in a state or national professional society in order to advocate for provider and patient interests.
In creating this society, the department recognized the critical importance of this group of faculty and staff, and reinforces its commitment to their professional satisfaction and engagement.

Miller Society Advisors
The Miller Society Advisors are a peer and near-peer network established to support the professional development needs listed above. As the CP Track is not represented across all Divisions, this group will focus on building inter-divisional advising relationships to ensure that all CP Track physicians and APPs have a network then can turn to throughout their professional development journey. This first cohort of Miller Society Advisors is listed below.Society Leadership

Julia Anderson, MD
Co-Director, Miller Society
Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine
Division of General Internal Medicine and Public Health

Natalie Spradlin, MD
Co-Director, Miller Society
Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine
Division of Hematology and Oncology