NIH grant to address chronic diseases that affect populations with health disparities

Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Meharry Medical College and the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine are the recipients of a $12.4 million grant from the National Institutes of Health to jointly develop the Southeast Collaborative for Innovative and Equitable Solutions to Chronic Disease Disparities.

Study seeks to improve gender equity for liver transplantation waiting list

Women who need a liver transplant are more likely to spend more time on a waiting list, become too sick for transplant or die compared to men. To improve equity, a recently published Vanderbilt-led study suggests a sex adjustment to criteria for MELD (model for end-stage liver disease), which determines allocation of transplanted livers.

Vanderbilt Diabetes Day celebrates investigational achievements, looks toward future

Vanderbilt Diabetes Day, an annual event that showcases the work of outstanding scientists and researchers in the fields of diabetes, obesity and metabolism was held this month, and it marked the first time many investigators working under the auspices of the Vanderbilt Diabetes Research and Training Center (DRTC) had gathered in one space since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.