Division of Geriatric Medicine

Division Grand Rounds and MMI

Geriatric Medicine Division Grand Rounds & MMI are held virtually, normally on the first and third Thursdays of the month, 12-1 p.m., CST, September through May. 

Geriatric Medicine Division Grand Rounds & MMI Target Audience: This event is designed for health professionals interested in Geriatric Medicine. 


09.05.24Harvey J Murff, MD, MPHGeriatric Assessments in Primary Care: The Annual Wellness Visit compared to the GRACE model: The SPIRE study
10.03.24Sandra A Moutsios, MDGiving Effective Feedback
10.17.24Jason Greenhagen, DOManagement of Dementia with Behavioral Disturbances
11.07.24Joanna L. Stollings, PharmD, FCCP, FCCM, BCPS, BCCCPAntipsychotics for Delirium
11.21.24Angela Lowenstern, MD, MHSStructural Heart Disease: Overview and Considerations for Older Adults

01.28.25Elisabeth M. Sebesta, MD, URPSUrinary Incontinence Management and Bladder Dysfunction in Older Adults

Bukky Elegbede, MD
Sengo Viswanathan, MD

Geriatric Fellows MM&I

Parul Mani Goyal, MD


Emily Brown, MD, FACP

03.20.25Agnes Leon Barriera, MD
Stacy Smith, MD
Geriatric Fellows MM&I
04.03.25M. Benjamin Hopkins, MD, FACS, FASCRSManagement of Colorectal Issues in Older Adults


05.15.25Kimberly J Beiting, MD

To receive CME credit, attendees will need to have a profile in Cloud and then pair their phones. 
Once that is done, they can text in the specific code for each session. 

For VUMC learners that do not have a CloudCME account, please follow the instructions below. 

  • Go to https://vumc.cloud-cme.com 
  • Select Sign In from the upper left corner of the page 
  • Select VUMC Faculty and Staff 
  • Sign in with your VUMC ID and password 
  • Select the MyCE tab on the right side of the blue ribbon 
  • From the drop-down menu, select profile and complete all required fields (make sure to enter your mobile number in order to be able to text in for attendance) 
  • Click submit at the bottom of the page to save 

How to pair your mobile phone: 

  • Text your email address, entered in your Profile, to 855-776-6263. 
  • You will receive a text message that states your phone number has been updated. This is a one-time operation. 

Geriatric Medicine Division Grand Rounds & MMI archives are available by request; please email Terri.Ray@VUMC.org.

Department of Medicine Grand Rounds, Thursdays, 8-9 a.m., CST throughout the academic year.