Year 1 (Adult ID Clinical Year)
The first year of fellowship consists of 13 four-week blocks on the clinical services. Of these, 11.5 blocks are inpatient clinical rotations and four weeks are outpatient ID. The inpatient rotations include general infectious diseases consult services at VUMC and the Nashville Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Center, transplant infectious diseases, and the inpatient infectious diseases medicine hospital service. Fellows are also assigned to a longitudinal half-day HIV clinic once weekly during their first year. First-year fellows get three weeks of vacation.
Year 2 (Pediatrics ID Clinical Year)
Responsibilities on the clinical service include the evaluation and management of children admitted to Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt, as well as outpatient consultations in the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Clinic, the Pediatric HIV clinic, and the Pediatric Emergency Department.
Inpatient care is divided into two services, and fellows spend time on each service. The Edwards Service is responsible for the care of general infectious diseases while the Wright Service (Immunocompromised Host Service) cares specifically for children with underlying immunocompromising conditions. Fellows will spend a total of 13 months in clinical training, distributed across the three years of training. All clinical activities are directly supervised by one-on-one interactions with faculty. Fellows also have training experience in the Clinical Microbiology Laboratory and rotate with the Antimicrobial Stewardship Program during their first year.
For more information about the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Fellowship Program, click here.
Year 3 and 4 (Research Years)
During their third and fourth year, fellows undertake a mentored research project. During research years, clinical time is minimal to allow fellows to focus on their research project. Fellows can choose their continuity clinic during the third and fourth years. Fellows will complete a minimum of two years in adult ID continuity clinic and a minimum of two years in pediatric ID continuity clinic, and will be able to do more outpatient clinic during their third and fourth year if desired. Fellows get three weeks of vacation during their third and fourth year.