Division of Infectious Diseases


The Division of Infectious Diseases trains fellows to become outstanding leaders in the field of infectious diseases. To achieve such excellence, fellows must acquire the ability and dedication to provide the highest standards of patient care. Training must enable each fellow to become an effective teacher and communicator.

Additionally, the fellowship program aims to instill a commitment to rigorous research and scholarly activity in each trainee. Finally, the fellowship program has as its highest goal to produce outstanding Infectious Diseases physicians who practice their profession with integrity, honor and compassion.

The Division of Infectious Diseases also has a dedicated focus on faculty development and education. With dedicated leadership and professional societies for both Clinician Educators and Physician Scientists (the Schaffner Society and Nielson societies, respectively), the division utilizes vigorous mentorship committee structures to guide and advance each faculty member.

Quarterly group meetings, surveys and an anonymous “Education and Faculty Development” suggestion box, as well as regular needs assessments, help guide the educational goals of the division and its faculty. New faculty have regular one-on-one meetings with the Director of Education and Faculty Development to ensure their transition to faculty is smooth and that they are advancing appropriately with maximal support.

Infectious Diseases Fellowship Program

A two-year ACGME-accredited training program in Infectious Diseases with an optional third year.

Medicine-Pediatrics Infectious Diseases Fellowship Program

A four-year combined program in pediatric and adult Infectious Diseases.

Transplant Infectious Diseases Fellowship Program

A one-year training program specializing in Transplant Infectious Diseases.

Addiction Medicine Fellowship Program

A one-year, ACGME-accredited fellowship in Addiction Medicine.

Vanderbilt Infection Pathogenesis and Epidemiology Research (VIPER)

A training program, supported by an NIH T32 grant, that prepares postdoctoral fellows for careers in infectious diseases basic science, translational research and epidemiology in infectious diseases.

Our Fellows

Explore our fellows directory to learn more about the clinical and research fellows in each of our programs.