Committed to the pursuit of compassionate, patient-centered health care, rigorous training of the next generation of physicians, and impactful discoveries.

Internal Medicine Residency
Training future leaders in academic medicine who will improve the human condition through the practice of medicine

Internal Medicine-Pediatrics Residency
Creating exceptional generalists to care for the health of adults and children
Hospice and Palliative Care Fellowship
Specialized training for successful careers in academic medicine, community leadership

LGBTQ+ Health Certificate Program
A certificate program designed to provide advanced training for residents and fellows in LGBTQ+ health

LGBTQ+ Healthcare Fellowship
Training future primary care physicians to deliver quality healthcare to sexual and gender minority patient populations

VA Chief Resident in Quality and Safety
A post-residency one-year position offered in select VA Medical Centers that includes a mix of didactic and experiential learning

VA Quality Scholars Fellowship
A two-year program for those who seek to advance healthcare through innovations, quality improvement, and patient safety

PROgRESS T32 Program
The Vanderbilt Patient/pRactice Research in Effectiveness and Systems Science (PROgRESS) T32 Program