Advanced training in LGBTQ+ health for residents and fellows
The certificate in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer + (LGBTQ+) Health provides advanced training and experience to better equip residents and fellows to meet the unique needs of LGBTQ+ individuals and improve the experience of LGBTQ+ individuals interfacing with the health care system.
The certificate is granted by Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) and the Office of Graduate Medical Education (GME) after successful completion of a curriculum coordinated by VIVID Health and the Vanderbilt Program for LGBTQ+ Health. The goal of the program is to improve provider knowledge and enhance physician leadership regarding education, cultural competence, and compassionate care for LGBTQ+ populations.
The certificate program is comprised of three primary components:
- Didactic elements composed of group discussion seminars and journal clubs
- Experiential activities
- Capstone project
Monthly seminars with topics covering key topics related to LGBTQ+ health are coordinated with VIVID Health and the Vanderbilt Program for LGBTQ+ Health, as well as with faculty and invited subject matter experts.
Clinical Experiences
The core experiential component of this certificate program will include clinical observation in LGBTQ+-focused clinics or procedures at VUMC, largely under the umbrella of VIVID Health.
While VUMC’s on-site opportunities for clinical care of LGBTQ+ adults continue to grow, the experiential component of this certificate may also be satisfied by partnering with other Vanderbilt, VUMC, or community resources. Partnership with these additional resources is encouraged and can be tailored to the trainees’ interests.

Capstone Research
While the capstone project may take a number of forms, it is ultimately an opportunity for the trainee to demonstrate proficiency and acquired knowledge within the realm of LGBTQ+ health, and to share this education with the VUMC community and more broadly.
Certificate participants are expected to coordinate or support an education-oriented effort within their department related to LGBTQ+ health, or to engage in a scholarly project of their choosing (i.e. presentation, publishable manuscript, research project) related to LGBTQ+ health. The capstone may be tailored to each trainee's interests in light of their departmental training programs and in conjunction with the certificate program director.
Program Leadership

Christopher Terndrup, MD
Associate Professor of Medicine
Division of General Internal Medicine and Public Health
Medical Director, VIVID Health

Del Ray Zimmerman
Director, Vanderbilt Program for LGBTQ+ Health